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What is YellowCloud

Your personal place where you can choose and do as you like
Host your data yourself or with us or both

We combine the ultimate security and privacy of the personally hosted YellowBox with the flexibility and comfort of the cloud services of YellowCloud

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Enhance Productivity
Layouts icon
User Autonomy
Box icon
Freedom of Choice
Lightning icon

Find more about our YellowCloud Concept

Check out our Hosting Solutions

Request a Demo

We provide secure managed hosting solutions completely integrated with your home or office private cloud. This enables you to completely isolate the data you need to share and the one you need only internally.
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Give it a try!

Create and setup your Yellow Cloud account on our public shared instance, on a dedicated environment or on your own private cloud

Choose a Service

Hosting Services

We provide Integrated Managed Hosting Solutions of various open source software


Our Nextcloud hosting offerings include options form shared account hosting to pre-configured, optimized and hardened dedicated instances for the special needs of medium and large scale organizations.

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SOLID Pod or Host

Be part of the New WEB Revolution. SOLID is an open-source platform built to decentralize the web led by Tim Berners-Lee.

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Generic LDP

We provide Generic Linked Data Platform hosting solutions. This offer comes along with options for process automation such as event triggered inference and data quality checks.

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Other OSS

We provide many other options. Please let us know what are you interested in and we will try to help

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Own your Data again

Jumpstart your journey into the new era of Data privacy and ownership